Women’s Day 2024

08. May

Get ready for an unforgettable Women’s Day event on May 8, 2024, as we embrace this year’s empowering theme: ‘Lead the Change’!

Join us for a day filled with inspiration and empowerment, featuring a variety of exciting activities. From immersive workshops and personalized CV consultations to striking professional photoshoots, there’s something for everyone!

But wait, there’s more! Dive into thought-provoking discussions during our panel session on ‚Lead the Change‘, followed by a Networking Apéro to connect with like-minded individuals.

Apply now here!


Block 1
1pm – 2.30pm

Boston Consulting Group

Enhance Your Wellbeing with Our Brain Health Workshop!

Dive into a transformative experience that boosts your stress tolerance. Our unique workshop is designed to uncover and mitigate hidden drains on your mental energy, offering you practical tools, science-backed insights, and personalized strategies. Aimed at improving your overall wellbeing, our program helps you achieve sustained peak performance by optimizing your brain health. Embrace a journey towards a more vibrant, energetic, and resilient life.


Workshop Language: English


Female empowerment at the intersection of Finance and Technology

Women in Switzerland have on average 32.8% less earnings during their retirement. In order to change that, women have to become more aware of their personal finances and take action early. With increasing public awareness about the topic, financial service providers see an opportunity for business. In our workshop, we will highlight the key issues in personal finances of women and together ideate on how technology could be a solution.


Workshop Language: English


Managing change like a Pro

Block 2
4pm – 5.45pm

Oliver Wyman

The pOWer of narratives – Storytelling with Oliver Wyman

Join us for an exciting journey into the world of storytelling at the Universa women’s day! In this workshop you will not only discover the key role storytelling plays in your professional and personal life but you will also get the chance to practice the art of storytelling yourself. Of course we will also tell you more about the consulting world, give you a hint of what you can except from a career at Oliver Wyman and answer all your burning questions.


Workshop Language: English


Change catalysts: the change leadership workshop for future leaders

Als angehende Führungskraft wirst du täglich mit Veränderungen konfrontiert. Viele Führugskräfte stehen jedoch vor der Herausforderung, den Wandel effektiv zu bewältigen. Dieser Workshop soll dir helfen, deine Führungskompetenzen zu reflektieren und dich befähigen, diesen Wandel aktiv mitzugestalten. Nutze diese Gelegenheit, um deine Führungsfähigkeiten auf ein neues Niveau zu bringen!


Workshop Language: German

BNP Paribas

Cake & Debate: Auswirkung von Polykrisen auf Geschäftsmodelle und ihre Unternehmensfinanzierung

BNP Paribas lädt euch zu einer spannenden Diskussionsrunde über die aktuellen Veränderungen in der Weltwirtschaft ein! Von der Ukraine-Krise bis zu globalen Energie- und Supply-Chain-Herausforderungen gibt es viel zu besprechen. Geniesst köstliche Kuchen und Cupcakes und lasst euch inspirieren, während wir über Chancen und Risiken für Unternehmen diskutieren. Seid Teil dieser wichtigen Unterhaltung!


Workshop Language: Deutsch

CV Check

with Career & Corporate Services

You want to improve your CV?

Get your CV checked by the Career & Corporate Services (CSC).

The Career & Corporate Services (CSC) department is the contact point for students at the University of St.Gallen (HSG) for all career-related questions. For companies, the CSC is the sparring partner when it comes to employer positioning and recruitment at the HSG.

Note: If you have a specific position in mind for which you would like to apply soon, you may also bring your motivation letter.

CV Portrait Shooting


You need a new picture for your CV?


Take the chance on Women’s Day 2024 and have your CV photo taken at our professional photo shoot with STÜRMER FOTO. Robert Stürmer is photographer for portraits, events and reportage with his own photo studio directly on the campus of the University of St.Gallen.

Panel Discussion

2.45 pm – 3.35 pm
@SQUARE Atrium


The Women’s Day 2024 will include an engaging panel discussion between the two workshop blocks on the topic “Lead the Change”. The discussion will evolve around the exploration of women in leadership positions, and we invite you all to examine together the biases and hurdlers that face in leadership roles, explore strategies for overcoming these challenges, and discuss actionable solutions. The panel discussion is open to all interested parties and gender – we look forward to seeing you there!


Bianca van Dellen, Founder

Fabienne Meier, Strategy Consultant

Priska Burkard, Entrepreneur

Our Sponsors

Women's Day

Hier eine Übersicht zu den UNIVERSA Women's Days
