What does NETWORK mean?

N – Naturally

E – Empower

T – Time

W – World

O – Opportunities

R – Role models

K – Key


Networks arise naturally if people with similar interests come together and would like to share and discuss personal experiences.

UNIVERSA arose as the network for women at the University of St. Gallen and is a place where you can start to build an invaluable personal and professional network.

Networks are the key to finding and staying in touch with your role models.

We would like to encourage you to search for and learn from female role models. We are happy to bring you in touch with many different role models within our network and are regularly offering opportunities to exchange.

Networks empower us within the professional world.

We would like female graduates to feel self-confident when stepping into professional life. A network provides a strong backbone.

Networks are great opportunities. A little bit of time and interest is enough to seize these opportunities.

A personal contact once in a while, this is what fuels UNIVERSA.

UNIVERSA consists of members, active members, board members, alumnae members and many interesting female professionals from different business areas.

Get in touch: info@universa-unisg.ch